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Linkedin is a social network created to facilitate communication between candidates looking for work and employers looking for workers. In recent years it has grown exponentially and this has led many companies to incorporate it into their communication and marketing plan, as it facilitates more professional relationships than other social networks. Therefore, we have compiled all the information you need about how to position yourself on Linkedin along with the trends to follow in order to be up to date.

How to Position Yourself

On Linkedin everything is ranked, meaning the more information we add about something, the easier it will be to find. 

Company page

The first thing to start with is to make your objectives clear: What do you want to achieve? and in how much time? Another important question you need to ask yourself is are your goals realistic?. Your objectives must be measurable, precise and feasible as they will play an important part in your Linkedin strategy.

Once we have established our objectives, we must create a company page. This will help us to achieve organic growth and to position ourselves among our future followers and target audience. 

Clarify our professional profile

The next step is to define our professional profile.Try to include keywords that are related to your company, locations, sector etc.. The idea is that when someone does a quick search on any of these keywords, we can appear in the top 20 positions, for example if you were to search for: administrators or Seville

Find contacts 

It is important to establish a wide network of contacts among your clients or future target audience. The bigger this network is, the more possibilities you have of appearing among their main searches, options and profiles in common.

Create Compelling Content”. 

Interacting with your followers, creating conversations and keeping up to date with the latest developments should be an important part of your Linkedin strategy. Creating weekly content with posts, videos, news is a great way to keep your interactions up. As we said at the beginning, everything counts and positions. 

If you are going to create your own posts, make sure they are clear and direct. Everything we share will show our audience who we are and what our product is, therefore it is key to choose our words carefully. Don’t share things just for the sake of sharing them, we have to strategically choose what to post and make sure that it is consistent with our objectives and marketing strategy. A good option and one of the top trends is audiovisual content:

Audiovisual content

Linkedin is still a social network and, as with all social networks, audio and video content is king with users being more likely to share a video than any other type of post. Unlike other networks, professionally shot videos are important on Linkedin. A video’s composition and the effort shown are important factors in making sure your video ranks well. In order to reach a wider audience, hashtags are also useful as they help to categorise our publications and make them easier to find. 

Experts believe that in the future Linkedin will have a section dedicated to video where users will be able to monetise and dedicate themselves more professionally to the creation of this type of content. 


Events are another effective tool we can use to position ourselves well on Linkedin. With the emergence of Covid19, virtual events have become more common than we ever thought they would be. It is now a new virtual space that gives companies the opportunity to continue to hold events, to promote brands or products, and it is also a good way to reduce costs. Through the Live tool, LinkedIn allows thousands of people to connect and give feedback on what is happening on the other side of the screen. 


Another type of activity is conversations. When we comment on or share another company’s or person’s post, we are creating relationships. They are important because they expand our network of contacts, the wider the network, the more people know about you and the more likely you are to be their first choice. Also, your followers will see you in a more human way, ditching the appearance of a faceless corporation that only wants to sell their products or make itself known.  

Keeping Small Businesses in Mind 

Finally, and in relation to the previous point, think about small businesses. Linkedin allows us to have connections with different companies and the most common objective is to look for large companies. This is not necessarily bad, but if we create our own groups and make connections with individuals and smaller businesses, apart from gaining visibility, we will also gain help. These users can give us a hand from inside the company and the conversation will be more fluid than with large corporations. 

Don’t forget that nowadays, having a good presence on social media can facilitate more efficient communication with your target audience. That’s why we can also offer you some tips to improve your strategy on other influential social networks, such as Instagram and Facebook.