The Salmon Factor

Myths In Corporate Communication

Corporate communication is related both to an internal process based on the relationships within the organization itself and among its members, and to an external process associated with the communication between the company and the client or between the company and its suppliers. Both lines of action comprise the whole gear that surrounds the communication of a company and, in addition, both concepts are fundamental for a correct operation and an optimal productivity in the professional services carried out. However, there are myths linked to this communication and we will detail them below:

1. Believing that Communication is an Accessory

Believing that communication is an accessory in any type of organization is the most serious mistake that company managers can make. The communication process is a determining factor in the growth of a company and the truth is that its actions have a direct and indirect impact on the sales figures obtained at the end of a full year.

The reputation of a company is usually related to a kind of “uncontrolled luck,” which in certain realities can be a problem when facing a corporate crisis situation. It is necessary to plan optimal strategies according to the principles of the organization and set clear objectives to achieve these goals through the application of communication tools.

2. Believing that Communication is only External

We understand “corporate communication” as the set of messages issued by a given company in order to  inform the public about its mission, its vision and its actions towards society in general. Therefore, the main objective pursued by this communication is related to establishing close commercial ties between the company itself and the target public. However, it is at this point where another mistake is often made by thinking that the communication of an organization is only focused on an audience of potential customers, when there is another fundamental part for the communication of a company; the one aimed at employees, partners and suppliers.

3. Believing that Communication is a Random Improvisation

Planning is a fundamental part of a company’s communication strategy. We seek to plan and do so in order to have the appropriate tools that will allow us to act in any of the situations that arise in the future of an organization. Thinking that communication actions are not planned and decided on without careful consideration is another error. It is clear that the Communication Department team must be aware of current events in order to be able to intervene if necessary to represent the brand’s values in any last-minute event, but it will always do so based on the prior planning of a communication strategy.

In short, for many years, corporate communication has been a known discipline reserved exclusively for major brands, those that were able to afford an extra budget investment in a specialized communication team. But more and more companies are considering this investment necessary and progressively, the rest of the companies are leaving aside these myths.

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