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The constant changes in consumer needs and the search for innovative solutions by companies have led to the creation of new strategies and tools, especially in the field of digital marketing. Because of these factors technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have emerged, attempting to overcome the barrier between reality and fiction. In today’s post we are going to be bringing you a little closer to the concept of virtual reality, highlighting this technology’s main advantages and how you can include it in your digital marketing strategy.

Virtual Reality as a Concept

As mentioned above, virtual reality is one of the most effective methods in content marketing, but what exactly is virtual reality? Broadly speaking, it is a set of technologies used to create an artificial environment in which users are immersed  and where they can simulate real experiences. In other words, virtual reality gives users the opportunity to learn the characteristics/features of a product or a service in a more interactive way. 

Finally, when implementing virtual reality as part of your digital marketing strategy you should think about how you are going to combine interactive content without losing the brand’s objective along with analyzing the audience and their needs.

Advantages of applying VR in marketing

Although there are numerous benefits of using virtual reality in your marketing strategy, the main advantages include:

  • Improving User Experience. A 360º video will allow users to really immerse themselves in places they cannot visit physically and learn all about the finer details of a company’s products or services. It also allows users to interact with anything that particularly catches their attention or is of interest to them.
  • Increasing Sales. If users enjoy your content, they will be more willing to purchase any of the products offered. Consequently, they are also more likely to share their experience with friends and recommend your website to them, so there is a greater chance of increasing your audience.  
  • Innovative Content Marketing Tool. VR Provides extra value to the company as it Differentiates them from other companies that use more outdated tools in their content marketing strategy.

Cases Studies Found in Different Marketing Strategies

Although tourism, automotive and textile sectors use VR the most extensively in their marketing campaigns, due to its multiple advantages and versatility, more and more companies and organizations are including virtual reality in their digital marketing strategies. 

More and more cultural spaces like museums and galleries are offering immersive experiences to their visitors. Visitors put on special glasses and can be transported to a specific moment in history, examine specific details of an exhibit along with plenty of other applications that help them understand the culture and history linked to a particular exhibition

Major clothing and cosmetics brands are also using virtual reality in a wide variety of ways. One of the most useful for the user is the possibility of trying on clothes or make-up virtually. Through kiosks installed in physical stores or mobile apps, customers can test out a product without needing to try it out for real. 

Overall, any company regardless of its sector, can take advantage of virtual reality in their marketing strategy to highlight specific information about themselves. If you’re not sure where to start with VR, we recommend that you start by including a 360º visit to your stores on your website. This will allow you to generate more trust in your brand and bring extra value to your website.

If you want to develop and implement your digital marketing strategy, contact The Salmon Factor. Our team will analyze your needs and objectives, so that you can carry out a digital marketing strategy that will help you take off in your sector.