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Growing concern for the environment and ecology has led to a marked change in consumer behaviour, with a company’s eco-friendliness becoming more and more important. Surveys show that people are willing to pay more if a product is environmentally friendly or comes from a company that strongly supports a set of sustainable values.

For this reason, more and more companies are not only improving various internal aspects related to sustainability, but they are also influencing their customer base to do the same. Through a set of techniques and tools, they are able to influence their audiences to improve their carbon footprint through marketing and advertising.

Green marketing

Advertising has immense power. The right message and outreach can influence a very wide audience, so it is a great way of changing sustainable attitudes. Green marketing is not just about promoting sustainable products, but about changing the brand on a global level. By  focusing on each stage of the manufacturing, distribution and sales processes, companies can greatly minimise their environmental impacts. 

Advertising and Awareness

In one of its most recent ads, Ikea showed all the multiple potential uses of a piece of furniture. In this case, the same table is inherited by a series of different people and is painted and customised each time. Finally, the table is returned to its original owner, who recognises a small mark he had previously made on it. Throughout the advert, the Swedish company manages to keep the viewer’s attention, thanks to the nostalgic story and catchy music.

Nowadays, the idea of recycling and repurposing clothes is very popular with consumers.  The well-known brand H&M was one of the pioneers for this practice due to its Let’s Close the Loop campaign, launched in 2013. This campaign highlighted two key things: repairing and recycling. In 2020 alone H&M collected almost 20,000 tonnes of clothing and textiles through its programme! Not only did it improve their image and increase their popularity, but it also reduced the industry’s impact on the environment.

Other textile brands such as Zara, Bershka or Lefties also followed recycling programmes for their garments. These famous brands of the Inditex group have a donation system, which can include any type of garment, household linen, footwear, accessory or costume jewelry. Depending on the condition of the garment and its materials, the article is recycled into new fabrics or transformed into construction or automotive materials. 

Large companies are not the only ones capable of improving environmental awareness through marketing and advertising. Regardless of your industry or the size of your company, there are countless options with which you can become more environmentally friendly. Contact us if you are thinking about incorporating environmentally friendly practices into your marketing plan.